What you can expect in a session?
First of all, relax! Even if you have never experienced energy work, it’s ok! I will explain everything to you as we go along. We begin by chatting …. what would you like different in your life? is there a goal you are trying to achieve? are you struggling with an illness where the treatments are creating unpleasant side effects? maybe you are a recovering addict and are looking to get to the root of your addiction? or maybe you just aren’t feeling “right” and traditional medicine can’t seem to pinpoint it for you? possibly, you don’t want to talk but just see what your body considers it’s top priority? Ok, let’s get started!
Sessions are generally in my office but occasionally I can come to the client. I have a massage table that you will lay on, full clothed and wrapped in a warm blanket if you are chilly. If there is a goal I will muscle check to see if that goal creates some stress on your body. A good goal will! I generally start with the BodyTalk® protocol and the session naturally weaves in Touch for Health® if it is needed. Basically my intuition and training connect with your body’s innate wisdom to allow it to heal itself.
What is “innate wisdom”? Well, when you cut yourself, a healthy person’s body will send just the right cells to the location to start the healing process. The blood may flow to clean the wound, other cells are sent to seal the wound (scab it over) and then the skin heals up. You are not consciously analyzing what your need to send when, your body knows and does it itself. I believe that for many illnesses the body can heal itself. Sometimes there is a disconnect within your body …. let’s say the liver and gallbladder aren’t working together well. With a session this may become a priority where we “link” them together and simply ask them to do their appropriate jobs and work together as then should.
How long does a session last? Occasionally it will be very short – 15 minutes or so but often they are 45+ minutes. My rate is per session and I offer discounts to military and their families as well as St Luke’s Health System employees. I will give you a $10 credit on your next visit for referring a new client to me, after completion of their first visit.
I realize that I am often the last resort. Clients who have tried everything else with little success. These clients have not been disappointed! Give me a call and schedule today!
Helping Your Body Heal Itself!